Just some random pictures I like

8 months...and 9. Whoops

8 months. Hard to keep her still.

And 9 months. For the first time, these are of just Fiona. The big sisters were visiting Grandma on the 21st.

7 months

Oh by the way....someone turned 7 months old just before Christmas. I tried hard to get photos without a finger in her mouth, but it was almost impossible. She thinks her sisters are hilarious these days, their dances and silly faces are one of the few things that get actual belly laughs out of her. She's also very ticklish. She's learning to eat solid foods, although she still seems a bit skeptical. So far, pumpkin has been her favorite food. Also sweet potato and applesauce, sometimes even mixed together. She sits on a blanket on the floor and plays with toys for longer than Rowan or Saoirse ever would as babies, we are always amazed. She remains a mama's girl, although she's pretty clearly madly in love with her sisters and her daddy as well. Unfortunately, as I write this she's sleeping pretty fitfully next to me, as she's struggling with her 7th or 8th cold in her short 7 months with us. Man, she gets colds often. Poor baby.

Just for fun, here's an outtake. This is what I get when I sit down and try to take good pictures of all three girls. Lots and lots of shots like this, with the occasional good one thrown in.

Merry Christmas, hope yours was lovely!

Christmas tree shopping

Can't believe 2010 is almost over. We're preparing for the holidays.

Halloween 2010

We had dinner with our friends, then trick or treated together. It's so much better as a mob. Fiona stayed and handed out candy, Rowan and Saoirse were out for a half hour or so. Rowan loved the ghost costume, but it was really a disaster. She couldn't see well, it slipped all over. Chris was all...well, it worked in Charlie Brown. Yeah, maybe the fact that they were cartoons helped. I guess the fact that she liked it and got to be what she said she wanted is what counts.

This and that...

Just another Sunday morning doing dishes for Chris:

We're covering the basic food groups around here:

This warms my heart. My girl, "reading" while she walks: