6 month checkup

The girls went to the pediatrician this week, it's considered their 6 month checkup even though they were more like 6.5 months. They loved playing with the crinkly paper on the table, which is good because the wait was kind of long. They got more shots, which was not fun. At least Rowan didn't get a fever after the shots this time, I was not looking forward to it after the last set. They have definitely grown, Saoirse weighed 14 lbs and Rowan is 14 lbs, 8 oz. They're the same length (24.25 inches), so Rowan is definitely our chubby girl. Love those cheeks...:)



December 3, 2007 at 12:38 AM

beautiful babies... i am so happy you guys are blogging again. keep the picture coming.
Put them in a Buckeyes shirt to celebrate the BIG game. I know you guys are going to root for OSU over LSU.