The first snow fall came and I think the girls liked it. They couldn't tell me despite my insistance they "use their words". They are babbling like crazy though and it is very cute.
Unfortunately, winter also brings unwelcome things. Our girls have their first colds. Saoirse got it first, now Gwen and Rowan have it. Their isn't a much more pathetic sight in this world than a crying, stuffed up baby with a running nose. Saoirse way of dealing with this was to scream at the top of her lungs all night long for three nights in a row. I think Gwen and I got about 8 hours of sleep combined for three nights. Luckily, the cavalry arrived in the form of Gwen's mom, so tonight at least there is the promise of sleep.
Enjoy the pics. Cheers!
Don't ya just love winter
Posted by Chris Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 8:03 PM
6 month checkup
Posted by Chris Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 9:16 PM
The girls went to the pediatrician this week, it's considered their 6 month checkup even though they were more like 6.5 months. They loved playing with the crinkly paper on the table, which is good because the wait was kind of long. They got more shots, which was not fun. At least Rowan didn't get a fever after the shots this time, I was not looking forward to it after the last set. They have definitely grown, Saoirse weighed 14 lbs and Rowan is 14 lbs, 8 oz. They're the same length (24.25 inches), so Rowan is definitely our chubby girl. Love those cheeks...:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Chris Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 8:06 PM
Wow, a whole month. Time flies. Every day the girls seem to do new stuff these days. Rowan sits up on her own now, which makes us nervous thinking that crawling is coming soon. Saoirse can sit for a few seconds, but the brace does slow her down. She's still wearing it full time, but that will probably be reduced to sleeping hours only soon. She will love that, she gets so excited when her feet are free. Both of the girls seem to have really discovered the brace lately, they both untie the laces on the shoes. Rowan tends to be jealous of whatever Saoirse has (toys, attention, etc...) and sometimes she stares at the brace when we're putting it on like, "Why don't I have shoes?" If she only knew how good she has it...
Saoirse and Rowan have had kind of a big month since we last wrote. They stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Haack while Mom and Dad went to New Orleans for an ophthalmology conference (and some much needed rest). They had a great time getting spoiled. After a week at home with Mom and Dad, we're all back up North for Thanksgiving. The girls went to Clare for the first time, met some cousins they'd never seen before. Lunch at Aunt Loretta's was fun and crazy with four babies 12 months and under.
To answer a few frequently asked questions:
1. No, they still do not sleep through the night. Not even close. Someday we hope it will happen. Before they go to college.
2. They did not dress up for Halloween. No one trick or treats in our neighborhood, and they don't live close enough to anyone to visit. year will be their first Halloween.
3. No, they're not eating solid food yet. The plan is to start next month, when they hit their corrected age of 6 months.
Enjoy the photos!!
Schedules and such
Posted by Chris Monday, October 22, 2007 at 9:29 AM
Big talkers....
Posted by Chris Friday, October 5, 2007 at 9:56 PM
Posted by Chris Monday, September 24, 2007 at 10:16 AM
So proud
Posted by Chris Friday, September 14, 2007 at 2:33 PM
This happened two weeks ago. After watching our friend Keith's blog and seeing his child roll over, I have been waiting for it to happen for us. When I put Rowan on the ground, she almost went right over. I ran and got the camera and it was suprising to me how much pride welled up in side of me. That's my girl.
Good sleeping!!
Posted by Chris Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at 5:30 PM
Okay, I'm not saying this is going to happen all the time or anything. (I don't want to jinx it). But Saoirse slept through the night for the last two nights!! 9.5 hours Monday night and 7.5 hours on Tuesday. What a miracle. And Rowan didn't do half bad herself, about 6-7 hours each night. Grandma and Grandpa Haack were visiting for a few days. I really think it makes a huge difference when the girls have more attention during the day, which is tough when they're alone with me. It's tough to get two babies down for naps throughout the day. Of course, they're also just getting to the age where they don't have to eat quite as often.
In other news, Rowan is hilarious, she smiles and laughs A LOT. She's super-active, like her dad, and wants to be in an upright position almost all day. She wants to sit up and stand with support, she's very strong. No laying back and chilling for her. Saoirse has discovered rattles, especially the kind with clear plastic and little tiny balls that rattle around inside. She'll stare at them for sometimes up to an hour. (Amazing how tired your arm can get holding up a 2 oz rattle for that long).
Hope all of you have a good Labor Day. We'll be at the beach!
Pool time
Posted by Chris Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 6:42 PM

Posted by Chris Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 8:58 PM
Night time is not the right time
Posted by Chris Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 10:02 PM
First overnight stay...
Posted by Chris Monday, July 16, 2007 at 5:29 PM
Two months old
Posted by Chris Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 7:57 PM
Sorry its been so long
Posted by Chris Wednesday, July 4, 2007 at 12:28 PM
Just for the record....
Posted by Chris Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 10:37 AM
This is so scary.
Posted by Chris Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 6:23 PM
Rare moment...
Posted by Chris Monday, June 11, 2007 at 12:36 PM
Ups and downs
Posted by Chris Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 8:39 PM
Posted by Chris Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 9:14 PM
Saoirse has been doing pretty well her first few days home. We're getting to know her schedule, as opposed to the schedule she came home from the NICU with. She doesn't really like eating every three hours, as it turns out. She wants to eat smaller amounts more often, so we're adjusting to her needs. She also really likes being held A LOT and sleeping in bed next to her mom. What do you know?...she's making up for lost attention while she was in the hospital.
More soon...
Posted by Chris Sunday, June 3, 2007 at 5:42 PM
Posted by Chris Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 10:24 PM
Posted by Chris Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 12:43 PM
A good night
Posted by Chris Friday, May 25, 2007 at 11:00 PM
Rowan and Saoirse together at last
Posted by Chris Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 5:14 PM
Another day, another NICU adventure
Posted by Chris at 2:30 PM
Hello all,
Yesterday night at about 7pm when we went back to the hospital, things started off great. Rowan got her nasal canula and UAC (umbilical arterial catheter) removed, so she is more free and is easier to hold. She is breathing well and I was able to feed her (only 5 ml. but it was still nice). Saoirse was still having desaturations, but seemed to be ok. The caffeine probably hadn't taken effect yet and the NICU attending decided to add back a nasal canula to give her a little boost. Backtracking is never fun but nothing to worry about at this point really, since her oxygen was going down when she was moving. In other words, she was holding her breath, rather than having apnea(which is when the brain forgets to tell the body to breath). Then we went back at 10pm and it was rougher. Rowan was still ok, but Saoirse was having a rough night. She had her cast changed. (Her right ankle turns 90 degrees inward. An orthopedic surgeon put a plaster cast on it last week to begin straightening it. Every week, the cast is changed and straightened a bit more. Saoirse does not seem to like it at all.) She wasn't eating and would begin screaming like crazy every few minutes. Gwen took it hard. Neither of the babies have been crying much, and that has made it easier to leave them each night, but the thought of them screaming in pain for hours over the night without someone to soothe them was torture (The nurses do a good job but they have babies who are in much worse shape than ours that often require their attention. Crying is not always a big priority.) We are both hoping when we see them later today, that Saoirse is doing better.
12 days old....
Posted by Chris Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 11:47 AM
Rowan was on a CPAP machine to help her breathe for quite a while it turned out that she had a PDA (a duct in her heart that failed to close at birth). It was making it harder for her to breathe. The doctors gave her a 3 day course of Indomethicin (an NSAID) and as of yesterday it was closed. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it stays, because worst case scenario could be surgery to repair it. Since it's closed, she's been much more comfortable, breathing pretty well, and her little personality is really coming out. It's the same as I knew inside..she's a wiggle worm. She's definitely going to keep us busy when they're at home. Chris and I finally got to hold her last night for the first time, and she did seem to like getting out of her bed. Any day now we're going to try to start feeding her, and if the way she attacks her pacifier is any indicator, I should be very afraid...;)
Saoirse got off the CPAP machine within a couple of days, and the nasal cannula followed soon after. She's been breathing on her own for a week or so, although in the last few days she's had a few spells where she slows down. We think she's getting too comfortable, and her doctors are starting her on caffeine to keep her a little more alert. She's been sucking down bottles every three hours for several days now, she's at just under 1 oz per feeding now. Last night we got to try breastfeeding for the first time, and she took to it like a pro. Of course, she's so small that she tires easily, the bottles are still necessary to keep her gaining weight. We're hoping to be able to switch over entirely by the end of June (when she should have been born).
Mom's doing okay, (although she may have an infection from the surgery, it turns out). We're adjusting to the schedule of work, chores, and hospital visits. We're starting to feel like veterans at the NICU, when new people come in now we're glad we're further along than that. We've already put in 12 days there. We're anxious for them to be home with us, though.
The pictures at the top are from the last few days. Saoirse is on the top, Rowan on the bottom.
They're heeeerrreeee
Posted by Chris Monday, May 21, 2007 at 11:30 AM
Born on May 11th, Saoirse and Rowan immediately melted our hearts.
Gwen was 34 weeks pregnant and had been on bedrest with contractions for 60 days. Earlier in the day, Gwen said she felt different, and that they were coming soon. At 1:15 am, she woke me up to say her water broke. I fell back asleep. At 2:30am, she said her contractions were getting painful. After some coaxing, I got up, showered and dressed. We had packed a hospital bag weeks earlier, expecting them to come early. I actually predicted 34 weeks. We got to the hospital at about 4am. Gwen was progressing very quickly, especially since this was her first birth. She wasn't able to get the epidural until she was about 9 cm dilated. What a trooper! I was amazed at her strength and courage. She said the experience gave her a whole new pain scale. When she started to push, Rowan's (baby B) heart rate dropped, so we had to go to c-section. The babies were delivered while "Isn't she lovely" by Stevie Wonder played in the background (a happy coincidence). Saoirse had a ton of hair. Her right foot was turned in, but I couldn't care less right then. She was here and breathing and that's all I cared about. Rowan came shortly after. I left Gwen and went with the babies to the NICU. I felt like I never wanted to leave their sides. Something that would later prove difficult.